New Jersey Legislation Lets Drivers Take The Pollute Out Of Their Commute.

New Jerseyans are tired of high gas prices and demand cleaner air and water. The Clean Fuel Standard (S2425will create a fair market level playing field in the transportation industry for the first time, allowing car and truck drivers to choose price competitive, greener gas and diesel.

Passage of this bill means oil companies will have to compete for consumers for the first time, and airlines will have more access to sustainable aviation fuels.

F ill it U p Cl e a n , N e w Je rs e y ! P r i n ciples of t h e c l e an fuel sta n da r d TECHNOLOGY NEUTRAL – all fuels compete to provide the lowest carbon emission fuel and use science-based measurements. FLEXIBLE producers and importers of transportation fuels may use different options to reduce carbon emissions such as utilizing renewable fuels or choosing to purchase credits. PROVEN – Clean fuel regulations exist in Washington, Oregon, California, and all of Canada. Today, 14 other states are considering implementing clean fuel standards due to its efficacy. The clean fuel standard is NOT a mandate – rather, an incentive to lower the emissions of all transportation fuels. Cl e a n er ai r , w a t e r , a n d a h e a l thier c lima t e f or N e w Je r s e y A Clean Fuel Standard (CFS), will reduce air and water pollution by transitioning the transportation system from fossil fuels to clean fuels. This program requires all transportation fuel producers of gasoline, electricity, and diesel to reduce the carbon pollution in their products by setting a “standard” that requires producers and distributers in New Jersey to lower the carbon intensity of their fuels each year until it reaches zero. Researchers have concluded that clean fuel regulations have been very effective at reducing the use of fossil fuels and directly improving air quality, while driving the adoption of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, renewable diesel, and other renewable and low carbon alternatives including hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuels. Sources:’s_Low_Carbon_ Fuel_Standards_reduce_carbon_dioxide_emission A CFS uses a science based “carbon intensity” to measure the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. H o w does it w o r k ? CFS works by setting a carbon intensity (CI) standard for motor vehicle fuels like gasoline and diesel. The standard would require a 1% per year reduction in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels. Fuel producers have multiple options to meet or exceed the standard. They may purchase renewable fuels and blend them into their products. They may make their refining process more efficient. They may produce renewable fuels. They may purchase credits from producers of fuels with a CI lower than the set standard if they do not wish to make changes in their production. Cl e an F uel Sta n da r d F A Q / F A C T SHEET

Fill It Up Clean, New Jersey!

PO Box 7157

West Trenton, NJ 08628

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