Fill it Up Clean, New Jersey!

For a penny at the pump, you can clean up New Jersey’s environment while making us more energy independent.

New Jersey oil refineries are a large source of air pollution and are contributing to global warming

A Penny For Your Health

Whether you’re sitting in highway traffic jams, living under airplane flight paths, working at a port where cargo ships emit sulfur laden diesel, or filling up cars at a gas station, you’re exposed to toxins that are harmful to humans. 

Give New Jersey a Breath of Fresh Air While Filling Up Your Tank

Give New Jersey a Breath of Fresh Air While Filling Up Your Tank

Reduce Air Pollution By Up to 80 Percent

The technology now exists to make greener gas and diesel from used cooking oils and agricultural waste, which emit up to 80 percent less CO2. 

Renewable fuels reduce air pollution in New Jersey and bring competition to gas prices in NJ.
Truckers pay high diesel prices in New Jersey because of our dependence on foreign oil.

And Make Us More Energy Independent

By using more eco-friendly fuel, you’re helping to recycle millions of tons of waste that would’ve ended up in landfills, while securing a steady supply of energy to power our economy and reduce the volatility of gas prices.

And Make Us More Energy Independent

By using more eco-friendly fuel, you’re helping to recycle millions of tons of waste that would’ve ended up in landfills, while making us less dependent on dictators and rogue states for our oil.

Clean fuel made from local, recycled sources is better for America's energy security.

Let’s Create Some Noise About Renewable Fuel In New Jersey

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Get more information on clean fuels, updates, and learn what actions you can take so we can make more clean fuel locally.

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